Plots Permissions

EssentialsX Info. Home; Permissions; Commands; GitHub; Downloads; Change width. Default permissions are viewable by typing either /resident for personal plot perms or by typing /town for town permissions. As of Towny there is an added Perm Group for plots, personally-owned plots have a Town group & town-owned plots have a Nation group.

***MyTown,, and later requires at least Forge***

  • In order to purchase plots, you must meet each of the following requirements: Free Company Plots. Purchase/Relinquish Land. Housing Ownership. Does not own a free company estate hall. Class/Job Level. Grand Company Rank. Second Storm Lieutenant (Maelstrom) Second.
  • Permission is a 2017 American romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by Brian Crano. The film stars Rebecca Hall as a woman on the brink of a marriage proposal from her boyfriend (Dan Stevens), but is impeded by the suggestion of her brother (David Joseph Craig) and his life partner (Morgan Spector) to 'test date' other men before she ultimately settles down.

MyTown is a land protection mod, originally by Alphaest. You can create new towns, add members, setup personalized plots, configure plot and town permissions, and much more.


Example perm file in the downloads section.


  • Create towns – Don’t be a loner, play with others to create a town, big or small!
  • Nations – Nations allow towns to be next to each other, as well as chat easily in the nation chat channel!
  • Town teleporting – Don’t let your new recruits walk, let them teleport to get there quickly.
  • Residents, Assistants, Mayors – Towny-like hierarchy
  • Custom chat formatting and chat channels
  • Protects against IC2, BC3, ArsMagica, Thaumcraft 3, Thaumcraft 4, Railcraft, ComputerCraft Turtles, Mekanism, Modular Powersuites, Minefactory Reloaded, Steves Carts, Traincraft, Tinkers Construct, Twilight Forest, and Redpower 2, The Mists Of RioV, Lord of the Rings, Fireball, Wither (skulls and explosion), and TNT!
  • Permissions – Control what outsiders, friends, and nation members can do in the town or specific plots.
  • Claim half plots for roads
  • Autocomplete for all commands
  • Localization Support! See here!

Video Tutorial

MyTown Video Tutorial in English
MyTown Video Tutorial in German


Commands and Permissions

Important: If you use MCPC+ and handle the Permissions via Bukkit, give every group the* permission to enable the MyTown forge permissions!

Navigation: TopCommunicationTeleportEveryoneNon-ResidentAssistantMayorNationAdminBypassLocalizationAddons

Chat – Communication

CommandPermissionIn words
/ch [channel]<channel>Set the chat channel focus
/g <msg>
/tr <msg>
/h <msg>
/tc <msg>
/nc <msg>
no permission neededSends a message to the specified channel
/tell [target] [msg]
/msg [target] [msg]
/w [target] [msg]
mytown.ecmd.msgSend a new private message to a player
/reply [msg]
/r [msg]
mytown.ecmd.replyReply to the last private incoming message

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Plots Permissions

Teleport – Warp

CommandPermissionIn words
/spawnmytown.ecmd.spawnTeleportation to the spawn after a preconfigured delay.
/home [name]mytown.ecmd.home Teleport to a set homepoint
/sethome [name]mytown.ecmd.sethome.<n> Set a new home
/delhome [name]mytown.ecmd.delhome Delete an old homepoint
/t spawn [name]mytown.cmd.spawn.(own other) Travel to the spawn of the named town

Plotsquared Permissions Wiki

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Town – Everyone

CommandPermissionIn Words
/t help <assistant/mayor/nation>mytown.cmdShows the manual page for the defined group
/t map <on/off>mytown.cmd.mapEnabled the Town map which is split into chunks (16×16 block)
/t listmytown.cmd.listLists all active Towns
/t info <name>mytown.cmd.infoShows basic information about the given town
/t res [name]mytown.cmd.resShows basic information about the given player
/t heremytown.cmd.hereShows basic information about the town your standing inside
mytown.mayor.blocks.(2 4 8 16 32)Mayor block multiplier. Must be one of the numbers. Math
mytown.resident.blocksmulti.(2 4 8 10)Resident block multiplier. Must be one of the numbers. Math
mytown.res.blocksThis is an option. Set this option to the number of blocks you want each resident to have. Multipliers do not affect this!
How many plots a town has is defined by multiple thingstotal blocks = perResidentBlocks + extraBlocks + nationBlocks.perResidentBlocks = mayorMulti * (# of residents * resMulti)
nationBlocks = nationAddsPerResident * numResidents + nationAddsBlocks

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Town – Non-Resident

Command Permission In words
/t new [name]<n>Creates a new town
/t accept mytown.cmd.acceptAccept a town invite
/t deny mytown.cmd.deny Deny a town invite

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Town – Resident

Command Permission In words
/t leave mytown.cmd.leave Leave the town
/t online Lists all onine players
/t perm [plot/res/town]<node> Show the current plot/res/town´s permissions
/t perm [plot/res/town] set [key] [value] mytown.cmd.perm.set.<node>.<key> Change the current plot/res/town´s permissions
/t perm [plot/res/town] force [key] mytown.cmd.perm.force.<node>.(<key> all) Force the permission for childs

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Town – Assistant

Command Permission In words
/t claim <rect [n]> mytown.cmd.claim.dim Claim the chunk under your feets or with <rect [n]> the next [n] chunks within a rect
/t unclaim <rect [n]> mytown.cmd.unclaim Unclaim the chunk under your feets or with <rect [n]> the next [n] chunks within a rect
/t invite [name] mytown.cmd.invite Invite a player into your town
/t kick [name] mytown.cmd.kick Kick a player out of the town
/t setspawn mytown.cmd.setspawn Set the spawn of the town
/t assignplot [name] <rect [n]> mytown.cmd.plot Assign a plot to a player or add <rect [n]> to assign an area of chunks

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Town – Mayor

Command Permission In words
/t assistant add/remove [name] mytown.cmd.assistant Give or take assistant permissions to a palyer
/t mayor [name] mytown.cmd.mayor Set a player as mayor. Warning: you will loose your mayor rank, there can only be one!
/t rename [name] mytown.cmd.rename Rename your town
/t delete mytown.cmd.delete Delete your town. Warning: can´t be undone

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Command Permission In words
/t nation info [name] mytown.cmd.nationinfo Show basic info of the named nation
/t nation list mytown.cmd.nationlist List all active nations
/t nation new [new] mytown.cmd.nationnew Found a new nation
/t accept mytown.cmd.nationaccept Accept a nation invite
/t deny mytown.cmd.nationdeny Deny a nation invite
/t nation invite [townname] mytown.cmd.nationinvite Invite a town
/t nation kick [townname]mytown.cmd.nationkick Kick a town
/t nation transfer [townname]mytown.cmd.nationtransfer Set a new capitol
/t nation leavemytown.cmd.nationdelete Leave the nation
/t nation deletemytown.cmd.nationleave Delete the nation

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Command Permission In words
/ta mytown.adm.cmd
/ta ? mytown.adm.cmd.<cmd> Help page for the admin commands
/ta version mytown.adm.cmd.version Displays the MyTown Version
/ta perm [town/plot/server/wild<:n>] Shows the defined node permissions
/gm [mode] [name] Set the gamemode of a player to 0 = survival or 1 = creative
/setspawn [dim] [ x y z ] mytown.adm.cmd.setspawn Set the spawn for a world (dim) to custom cooridnates
/tp [player]
/tp [player] [ x y z ] Default teleport command with interdimensional support
mytown.adm.showblocks Shows all claimed blocks on ./t info
mytown.adm.showlocation Shows the current player position on ./t res

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Plotsquared Permissions List

Bypass Nodes

Command Permission In words
mytown.adm.bypass.pvpBypass non-PvP
mytown.adm.bypass.teleportwaitBypass the teleport delay
mytown.adm.bypass.enterBypass any entry protections
mytown.adm.bypass.lootBypass any non loot areas
mytown.adm.bypass.accessBypass any container access protections
mytown.adm.bypass.buildBypass any build protections
mytown.cost.bypass.townnewBypass costs for founding a new town
mytown.cost.bypass.townclaimblockBypass costs for claiming chunks
mytown.cost.bypass.homenewBypass costs for createing a new home
mytown.cost.bypass.homereplaceBypass costs for replacing a homepoint
mytown.cost.bypass.hometeleportBypass costs for the home teleport the use of caps in chat the use of colors in chat

Plotsquared Permissions

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If you would like to localize MyTown for your language, you can! Here is a dump of all the available strings to localize! you want to dump the strings yourself, you can do so by setting this config option S:TermDumpFile to a file name. The file will be located in config/MyTown/<filename>Please note, some of them can be edited in the config as well, and you should do that instead :-)To set to a localization file set S:Translations to the file name. The file will be located in config/MyTown/<filename>

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Plots Permissions


MyTownEcon by TrenTechGithub:
BukkitDev Page: http://dev.bukkit.or…ins/mytownecon/
LolnetMytownTax by lolnet’s Development Team and James137137Info: http://www.minecraft…0#entry24109837
Download: https://www.dropbox…