Vr Lose Weight

Vr Lose Weight

It’s the new year, you know how it is. It’s a time of resolutions, and perhaps the most common of all is to get more fit and lose weight. This resolution comes in many forms and flavors. If you’re like me, the only thing more annoying than the incessant marketing campaigns for gym memberships, home exercise equipment and dieting fads is getting down to it and actually exercising. Running and I do not get along and I’ve tried numerous fitness video brands in the past only to become bored of them in a few weeks or sometimes a few sessions. So nothing has stuck past the initial few months of every new year. This in and of itself had become my unwelcome at new year’s trend.

Well screw that. Here’s to new resolutions. Luckily 21st century geek culture has evolved to the point where exercise is now synonymous with the joy of gaming. Sounds like a crazy way to lose weight? Hear me out.

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  1. Pilates, yoga, and weight training are all complementary to VR. Many of his clients join him for weight-lifting training several times a week, and then they exercise on their own at home with tools.
  2. Are you ready to get intense? Look no further as BOX VR is just the way to go. You will be punching to the beat while listening to heart-thumping electronica rhythms. If you have tried VR gaming before, then you already know that it is a considerably high-octane, muscle flexing and fat burning exercise.

The Options

Jan 23, 2019 VR proved to be part of the solution. Turns out you can lose a fair amount of weight using certain VR games if you put your mind to it. Warning: This isn’t going to work if you don’t change your.

In comes the platform of virtual reality gaming. With the increasing popularity of this new gaming technology, so has relatively affordable home units. Don’t worry, we’ll break it down for you. There are two main products readily available for purchase and home use. These are the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift. Each has their pros and cons, here’s a brief summary of what we found.

HTC Vive:

The HTC is Vive is a room-scale virtual reality setup. What that means is that with setup you will be able to walk around your room and in VR you will see yourself walking around a virtual environment. This is perfect if you have a larger area to play in such as a living room. The Vive is made up of a head mounted display, 2 controllers and 2 base stations to track your movement. Because of the room scale I would recommend this VR setup if you want to lose weight.

HTC Vive Pro:

The pro version is considerably more expensive but boast a more capable setup. As a result you do get better resolution lenses and better tracking but at a hefty cost. However, I don’t think Pro version is necessary unless you have the extra coin to dish out.


Oculus Rift:

The Oculus rift is not a room-scale virtual reality setup. This means you will stand in one spot while you play. This is a great alternative if your VR gaming is confined to a smaller space. The Rift is also made up of a head mounted display, 2 controllers and 2 sensors to track your movement. It doesn’t have as many features as the Vive but still a solid choice if you want to lose weight.

What to play to lose weight

Ok, so you’ve decided on the hardware, now what games do you want to play? Fortunately, there are many options available. Here are a few that we have either tried or read good things about:

Beat Saber

Beat Saber is an early access game where you use red and blue light sabers and make slashing movements to destroy blocks that move towards you matching the beat of various songs. The challenge comes when the blocks move towards you in dazzlingly complex rifts and at a pace that really gets your blood pumping. There are also large wall-like projections that you need to dodge or crouch under, giving you a whole body workout.

Vr Lose Weight

The Thrill of the Fight

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to spar in a fast-paced, heart pounding boxing match like one of the pros, then have we got one for you. Thrill of the fight ups the intensity with VR capacity for fitness receiving a 10/10 score on VRfitnessinsider. It’s estimated to give you the workout equivalent of a hearty sprint. Perfect your right hook, smash your opponent with devastating uppercuts, and really get to sweating bobbing and weaving away from the barrage of punches your virtual opponent throws your way. This is one of the games that shows up regularly in my personal routine. Because of how rigorous shadow boxing already is, adding an opponent that hits back definitely makes for an intense workout. This one is a must if you want to lose weight.

Super Hot VR

Vr Games To Lose Weight

We had to add a pretty one on the list. Super Hot fits the definition of unique as you are thrown without any explanation into a world of stark color contrast where red glass-like figures are trying to murder you against a world of black and white simplicity. The true fun comes with the games timing mechanic, the faster you move, the faster your opponents approach. If you stand still, so too they remain motionless.



Whether your more of a classic Legolas fan or the newer Hanzo fan, we have all envied their bow prowess. Now you can master some sick archery skills in a dojo of your own. Here you work your way up from stationary targets to actual faceless samurai rushing towards you from every direction in this fast paced game described as “archery madness.” This one is another must if you want to lose weight with virtual reality.


I can’t lie, I’m a sucker for the pretty colors. Giving you the ability to play all of your favorite music by working with any song you on your playlist, this is another high intensity game where red and blue bullet hell like projectiles whirl towards you in a beautiful spectacle. Your defense is two similarly colored shields formed around your hands where you match the colors in a full body engaging workout.


Vr Lose Weight

This one if for all you barbarians out there. Gorn is a “ludicrously violent” gladiatorial simulator where you gore your opponents into bloody puddles. Dodge, block with your shield, and use a variety of medieval style weapons to slaughter your opponents in a good old fashioned brawler. Except now you’re closer to the action than ever before.


Sometimes the classics are still the best. This is the most straightforward “fitness” game in our list, however it still needs to be mentioned. BoxVR combines the more typical exercise routines we are used to in a modern gym or in our previous fitness-geared consoles like the Wii fit with the interactive, immersive tech of VR. Suit up with virtual boxing gloves and duke it out in a variety of virtual settings ranging from a neat and clean personal gym to a tron style futuristic battleground.

Ask the Pros

The Virtual Reality institute of Health and Exercise are the experts in the study and development of VR fitness. Essentially, they evaluate and rate the effectiveness of emerging and VR games and their overall fitness worth. If you find a new game, before you buy take a look here at what fitness experts have to say. If you’re a statistics guru (no judgement here), they list cool metrics like average heart rate, max heart rate, and kilocalories per minute expended while playing each individual game. As a result of all the data collected they can neatly lay out all your gaming options. They’ve essentially done all of the homework on what will help you lose weight. Check it out here: Vrhealth.institute.com

Why VR?

According to a few studies that we read, the health benefits of using a VR to aid in exercising are, like the technology continuously evolving and seeming limitless. There’s even a team that claims that whole wearing a VR headset, players have a decreased sense of pain, perception of tiredness and overall feeling of physical expenditure. What does this mean for you? Well it means that as opposed to conventional methods of exercise, VR will help you work out harder longer and have a better time doing it. That sounds good to me, but don’t take my word for it. Try it out for yourself!


Next level home gym

Vive Tracker Weight

If you’re still interested in investing in some home gym equipment, there are a few awesome futuristic set-ups that integrates realistic movements that sync with VR games. One cool concept we found is a platform that you lay on which enables you to feel realistic flying, deep sea diving and racing movements, available from a company called ICAROS.

If you’re looking for something a little more classic there is an awesome VR integrated stationary bike released by NordicTrack. It allows the user to adjust the models resistance, incline and decline depending on the intensity level and VR game your playing. If you already have a few pieces of gym equipment in your home, like an elliptical stair stepper or treadmill, no worries! There’s a way to make them work with a variety of VR games as well. A company called Gogi Play sells hand controllers with a built in accelerometer that enable you to use your old and boring gym equipment and integrate your moments into a game of your choice.