Zeckendorf Blvd

777 Zeckendorf Blvd is a office building located in Garden City, NY 11530. Built in 1963, this property features 1.62 acres lot, and 0.52 acres of living space. For the surrounding community of Garden City, NY 11530, the nearby schools are very good and include Uniondale High School, Rushmore Avenue School and Stewart School. Zeckendorf zeckendorf plaza zeckendorf book zeckendorf's theorem zeckendorf blvd leannesampietro RevelryPaperie vanessawarlentien bouthillerm baixar o mapa fypoolday2 para cs 1.6 danistrovas ikea ribba tavellist jackielafayette メリーのアトリエ stock photos tennisspielerin andrea petkovic ich fuehle mich unwohl wenn ich mal einen tag. NYU Winthrop Hospital Ambulatory Surgery Center is Health Facility in Garden City. The address is 777 Zeckendorf Blvd, Garden City, New York 11530.The facility type is Hospital Extension Clinic. The phone number is.

A rendering of the three-story fitness complex and parking garage at the former Fortunoff's Clearance Center building, on 750 Zeckendorf Blvd.

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Property Overview

Property address750 Zeckendorf Blvd
Uniondale, NY 11553
Section, block & lot44-72-4
Property classHealth Spa (544.14)
Zoning districtSubscribe
LandPrimary site
Buildings on lot3
Year built2015
Square footage127,170

Ownership Information

For property contacts like owners, building management, representatives from permits, tenants and registered voters, access the Contacts tab in the full report.

Other Property Characteristics

Zeckendorf Blvd
Village (swiss code)None (unincorporated town)
School districtUniondale UFSD
Street typePaved
Area typeCommercial/Industrial park

Commercial Buildings

Square feetStructureGradeYear built Stories
127,170Health spaB20153
46,606Parking garage/deckC20153

Floor Distribution

FloorsSquare feetUseConstruction typePhysical conditionExterior wallHeatingAir conditioningPlumbing
01-01817Restaurant - avg
01-0147,273Multi-use office
01-0150,690Parking garage
02-0244,893Multi-use office
02-0250,690Parking garage
03-0335,004Multi-use office
03-0346,606Parking garage upper level

Find the size and usage for each floor in the building, plus corresponding details on construction type, physical condition, heating, and plumbing.

Income and Expenses

Check out a breakdown by type of rentable square feet and the rent charged for each, including detailed info on expenses, gross/net income, income and expense rate.

Sales & Property History for 750 Zeckendorf Boulevard

Sales information and other title documents for 750 Zeckendorf Boulevard. Coverage and historic records vary depending on the area the property is located in.

Sale date:5/21/2014
Sale price:$10,000,000
Buyer name:Subscribe
Seller name:Subscribe

Title Documents for 750 Zeckendorf Boulevard

Get access to sales records for 750 Zeckendorf Blvd, including buyer and seller information (when available).

DateTypeAmountParty1Party2Doc image
5/21/2014 – D
5/29/2014 – R
6/30/2009 – D
7/14/2009 – R
Access sales records, including seller and buyer info (when available).
View Title Documents

777 Zeckendorf Blvd

Property Taxes for 750 Zeckendorf Boulevard

Access detailed property tax data for 750 Zeckendorf Blvd. Tax information included: property tax, market value and assessed value, exemptions, abatements, and assessment history.

Market value:$12,141,200

Assessment History for 750 Zeckendorf Boulevard

Here's the assessment & property tax history for 750 Zeckendorf Boulevard, including the evolution of the total tax rate and corresponding property tax.

YearProperty classMarket valueAssessment valueTotal tax rateProperty tax
2020Health Spa$12,141,200$121,412843.755$1,024,420
2019Health Spa$15,720,200$157,202809.758$1,272,956
2018Health Spa$13,669,700$136,697841.661$1,150,525
2017Health Spa$7,914,500$79,145806.955$638,665
2016Storage, Warehouse and Distribution Facilities$7,314,500$73,145717.33$524,691
2015Storage, Warehouse and Distribution Facilities$7,314,500$73,145699.278$511,487
2014Storage, Warehouse and Distribution Facilities$7,652,700$76,527695.469$532,222
2013Storage, Warehouse and Distribution Facilities$8,148,100$81,481691.466$563,413
2012Storage, Warehouse and Distribution Facilities$8,433,600$84,336653.944$551,510
2011Storage, Warehouse and Distribution Facilities$10,506,900$105,069574.348$603,462
2010Storage, Warehouse and Distribution Facilities$11,450,200$114,502574.348$657,640

750 Zeckendorf Blvd Garden City

747 Zeckendorf Blvd Garden City

777 zeckendorf blvd


Zeckendorf Blvd Oyster Bar Kingfish

AddressSquare feetPurchase datePurchase price
62 Lawrence St, Uniondale8407/22/2020
68 Lawrence St, Uniondale1,75012/12/2000
72 Lawrence St, Uniondale1,2601/17/2020
78 Lawrence St, Uniondale1,1763/6/2009
82 Lawrence St, Uniondale1,176
88 Lawrence St, Uniondale1,260
92 Lawrence St, Uniondale1,6201/12/1999$146,500
781 Fulton Ave, Hempstead9/29/1999$140,000
747 Zeckendorf Blvd, Garden City142,91411/26/2008$16,000,000
900 Old Country Rd, Garden City227,27611/16/2009$24,500,000
700 Dibblee Dr, Uniondale126,2393/2/2001$1
867 E Gate Blvd, Garden City46,8423/23/2017
825 Eastgate Blvd, Uniondale78,2026/21/2017$8,750,000
6 North Ave, Garden City27,4098/12/2015
820 Old Country Rd, Garden City3,181
1000 Zeckendorf Blvd, Uniondale25,34010/30/2002
800 Axinn Ave, Garden City20,09410/30/2002
801 A Axinn Ave, Uniondale30,2062/8/2001
777 Zeckendorf Blvd, Uniondale22,7519/9/2003$4,250,000
801 Axinn Ave, Uniondale